Latest News
Welcome Aboard, Paul Barker!
05 Sep, 2024 - We are thrilled to announce that Paul Barker has joined us as our new UK Managing Director.
The RORO Specialist
28 Jun, 2023 - " 'The RORO Specialist' is the sub name of our company, we are really proud of that "
May on the Move
31 May, 2023 - As a lot of us begin to welcome in the summertime, time is moving fast and the first part of the year has already passed.
The April Update
28 Apr, 2023 - We are happy to provide another NewsClip about the latest movements, celebrations, achievements and even shipments within the NMT Group. This month,...
A Smooth Sailing March
28 Mar, 2023 - March was certainly a month of many machines, miles, shipments, shows and even celebrations
Another great year to come
06 Feb, 2023 - As we cross the threshold of of another year, we are all very excited to see what it will bring. Everyone in the NMT Shipping Group extends a big...
Parker Plant India PVT. Ltd Grand Opening
20 Jan, 2023 - Shaun, NMT's Global Sales Director and Abhishek, Head of India and ME are proud to attend the official opening of Parker Plant India PVT. Ltd. today.
Happy Holidays 2022
16 Dec, 2022 - Everyone here at the NMT Group wanted to wish you all a happy holidays and a wonderful 2023. A huge thank you to each and every one of our valued...
NMT Oceania Go Above & Beyond
03 Oct, 2022 - Here at NMT Oceania we really try our best to give our customers a hassle-free shipping experience. Whether it be by pumping a flat tyre or by...
NMT Shipping x Stena Estelle
31 Aug, 2022 - Stena Line takes delivery of the largest E-Flexer Ferry to date, and we had the privilege of working with it.
NMT Dubai Celebrates 20 Years
04 Apr, 2022 - NMT Dubai was the second NMT office opened outside the Netherlands 20 years ago on 1st April 2002. The initial reason for starting the office was...
Introducing Colleagues in the NMT Group
30 Mar, 2022 - Forward we are proud to present some of our colleagues in our monthly NewsClip.
Responsibilities of a Port Captain / Supercargo
23 Feb, 2022 - As a company and group, we have many things we are collectively proud of and top of that is our people. We always prefer to promote within the...
Think Mafi, Think NMT
26 Jan, 2022 - Everyone is affected by the container space shortage and the consequences since 2021. RoRo has since proven its many advantages and in particular...
Florida Auctions
19 Jan, 2022 - Arguably the biggest auction time in the global machinery auction calendar is February in Florida. NMT Group companies have shipped hundreds of...
Good bye & Welcome
29 Dec, 2021 - The person who launched NMT Shipping International as a one-man business back in 1999 was probably at that time unaware of the massive footprint he...
NMT NewsClip December 2021
15 Dec, 2021 - Dear NMT Customers & Friends,Last Christmas we branded 2020 as the lost year for many companies. We were fortunate that NMT Shipping sailed...
NMT NewsClip November 2021
24 Nov, 2021 - The Japanese Just in Time (JiT) philosophy became important to us when we booked this enormous DEMAG CC2800 crane from Bremerhaven to Alexandria. In...
NMT NewsClip October 2021
20 Oct, 2021 - NMT is pleased to announce that as from date we have appointed a new Agent and Partner in Egypt. The Egyptian company, EVGE Egypt, will handle all...
NMT NewsClip September 2021
28 Sep, 2021 - NMT Oceania was established in Brisbane 10 years ago. The company grew and expanded at a fast rate. Today we have 5 branch offices across Australia...
NMT NewsClip August 2021
24 Aug, 2021 - This time we have the pleasure to introduce the country which on 4 consecutive years have been named the “happiest country in the world”...
NMT NewsClip June/July 2021
24 Jun, 2021 - A great example of NMT Group cooperation in action. Involving NMT’s South African Representative, Paccon; NMT UK; NMT HQ in the Netherlands;...
NMT NewsClip May 2021
26 May, 2021 - When someone mentions Spain, a lot of people think; Paella, Bullfighting, Flamenco, Tapas, Siesta, Mañana, Rioja and Jamon. But for those who...
NMT NewsClip April 2021
28 Apr, 2021 - Mumbai (previously known as Bombay) is the capital city of the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is also the largest city in India and sixth most...
NMT NewsClip March 2021
23 Mar, 2021 - Supercargo is actually a title or name which stems back several hundred years to the age of sail. Originally it was a Spanish title, Sobrecargo. A...
NMT NewsClip February 2021
24 Feb, 2021 - NMT New Zealand with Global Tractors recently drove a huge project involving stripping down a massive Hitachi EX-3600-5 and ship all from Port...
NMT NewsClip January 2021
20 Jan, 2021 - Situated in the Sahara Desert and conveniently located in the Red Sea, Port Sudan is the fifth largest city of Sudan and offer the largest port of...

NMT NewsClip December 2021
15 Dec, 2020 - Dear NMT Customers & Friends, This is probably the year in modern history that will be known as the “lost year” for many people and...
NMT NewsClip November 2020
24 Nov, 2020 - The winter months in Australia are usually a lull for transportation across the country. The difference in 2020 has been the global health crisis...
NMT NewsClip October 2020
26 Oct, 2020 - The NMT Australia team live in the rugged “Land Down Under” inhabited by deadly animals, bush fires one day then floods the next. As an...
NMT Press Release October 2020
19 Oct, 2020 - The NMT Group is pleased to announce that they have acquired United Cargo Handling Group. This Group consists of Hansen Shipping USA, Hansen Shipping...
Newsclip September 2020 - Persistence and Dedication
28 Sep, 2020 - NMT Shipping's Fremantle office were recently entrusted with the movement of this hefty machine. The Vermeer 1455 trencher is one of the larger...
NewsClip August 2020 - Taking Care of the Golden Oldies
25 Aug, 2020 - Two complete different generations of car models in one picture. It is not often one will discover a Datsun Crown sharing space on a RoRo...
NewsClip July 2020 -Tied up With a New Partner in Djibouti
28 Jul, 2020 - We are pleased to announce that we have appointed Bolloré Ports as our Representative in Djibouti as from July. NMT has steadily been growing...
NMT NewsClip June 2020 - Ready for Coffee
23 Jun, 2020 - At our headquarter in the Netherlands we’re all back in the office and we can’t wait to see our customers again.You may now visit our...
NMT NewsClip May 2020 - Reinforcing NMT in Turkey and the EastMed
27 May, 2020 - NMT Shipping is not a stranger in Turkey in terms of RoRo shipping, but we clearly aim to reintroduce ourselves and widen with new acquaintances...
Create Locally, Act Globally – Another NMT Asset
13 May, 2020 - NMT in Fremantle has seen a steady increase in towable cargo including trailer boats, caravans, camper trailers, mobile plant trailers and the...
Feeling Derailed Or Off Track? Never Fear - We Will Get Through This
28 Apr, 2020 - In these uncertain times it's easy to be overwhelmed with the current situation the world is facing. Factory closures and slowdown coupled with...
Although Gentler - the NMT Wheel is Still in Motion
07 Apr, 2020 - The NMT Group globally and also thanks to effective and professional partners in the RoRo Shipping industry and in the ports/stevedores still manages...
Statement of Fact - NMT Shipping and the Corona Virus Outbreak
16 Mar, 2020 - The Corona virus is a rapidly developing concern, and NMT are continuing to follow developments very closely. We are taking a preventative approach...
NMT NewsClip February 2020 - Shipping BIG by RoRo
25 Feb, 2020 - As a true global company, we have loaded three big mining shovels at the same time in different parts of the world. Our USA office loaded a CAT6030...
NMT NewsClip January 2020 - Persistence Pays Off
22 Jan, 2020 - Persistence may occasionally be perceived negatively, but not in this case, this one got a nice feedback and review. Our Australian customer needed a...
NMT NewsClip December 2019 -The NMT Group – Ending 2019 with Excellent Health Check Result
17 Dec, 2019 - The NMT Group is pleased to announce that it has never been in a better position to continue setting the standard with the global RoRo industry and...
NMT NewsClip November 2019 - Complex Shipments Made Easier with NMT
19 Nov, 2019 - NMT India are regularly shipping brand new crushers and screeners from India to various parts of the world. Recently we were tasked with shipping a...
NMT NewsClip 2019 - Bird's-Eye View When Shipping with NMT
22 Oct, 2019 - NMT Canada are getting regular requests for flatrack shipping. This time involving a very appreciated customer with a long-standing relationship to...
NMT NewsClip September 2019 - Even a Wolverine is Tamed in the
18 Sep, 2019 - With the support of specialized mechanics, NMT Canada has worked on a shipment of a Wolverine to the Dominican Republic. That sounds more "dangerous"...
NMT NewsClip August 2019 - NMT Agency
14 Aug, 2019 - The NMT Group has operated its own Agency Department since 2013. The scope of an NMT Agency is to ensure a smooth passage and turnaround of vessels...
NMT Newsclip July 2019 - Breaking News
08 Jul, 2019 - NMT is pleased to announce that we this month will expand our West Africa Service by adding additional ports and vessels. Sustainability...
NMT Newsclip June 2019 - Stay in Touch with the Dutch
26 Jun, 2019 - Laura Bos, heading NMT Canada, had the cool experience to be a guest on the local Dutch radio station in the Greater Toronto Area, called "Dutch...
NMT Newsclip May 2019 - 10 Years and Counting
13 May, 2019 - 10 years ago, NMT Shipping launched a very new RoRo service to southern west part of Africa. On the 5th May 2009 the inaugural NMT sailing, using M/V...
NMT Newsclip April 2019 - NMT on Track and Steaming Ahead
11 Apr, 2019 - It's not often you get the opportunity to import an item that can bring smiles and joy to the youth of today and the young at heart. Recently NMT...
NMT Newsclip March 2019 - BMSB Fumigation Assistance
21 Mar, 2019 - Following up on our January NewsClip on the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, all new and used cargoes now have to be fumigated for BMSB and certified...
NMT Newsclip February 2019 - An Exceptional Company and Business Concept Celebrates 20
19 Feb, 2019 - A one-person company some 20 years ago has grown to a multi-national group of 22 companies with 30 office locations around the world. The NMT Group...
NMT Newsclip January 2019 - New NMT Transatlantic Connections & Services
16 Jan, 2019 - The RoRo trade between Europe and USA has seen several changes over the last decades. New ports, service combinations and relocation of car...
NMT Newsclip December 2018 - Breaking the Myth!
18 Dec, 2018 - It is true that NMT globally is well-recognized for RoRo shipments, which for many is limited and viewed as sea-cargo shipments only. Consequently,...
NMT Newsclip Ocotber 2018 - The NMT Group – The Asset of Diversity
17 Oct, 2018 - The NMT Group consists of 32 worldwide offices in addition to representative agents in many countries.
NMT Newsclip September 2018 - Working together for a Common Goal
18 Sep, 2018 - There are many proven benefits working together with the NMT Group for all your shipping needs. One significant and strategic advantage is the...
NMT Newsclip August 2018 - NMT Guide to Shipping - Insurance
16 Aug, 2018 - The single most important thing to know - your cargo is NOT insured unless you have arranged the insurance yourself.NMT Shipping always recommend you...
NMT Newsclip July 2018 - Cleaned and Shipped
17 Jul, 2018 - We often hear new clients say; I am not based in or have contacts in the counry I bought the machine from. For the NMT Group that is not a problem as...
NMT Newsclip June 2018 - Outback NT Australia - Now More Accessible
19 Jun, 2018 - Many an old relic can still be found scattered throughout Australia. This Caterpillar 920 wheel loader was noted on a recent trip to the remote...
NMT Newsclip May 2018 - NMT ex Turkey
24 May, 2018 - The Turkish market has over the last years steadily grown in terms of RoRo export opportunities for the NMT Group. Together with our agent in Turkey,...
NMT Newsclip April 2018 - The NMT Group - Your China Specialist
17 Apr, 2018 - Last month NMT China shipped two larger cargo lots from Xingang Port in China, close to Tianjin. The first lot included 20 brand new Sino-Truck...
NMT Newsclip March 2018 - NMT Lashing and Container Equipment
27 Mar, 2018 - NMT transports a lot off piggyback cargo worldwide. Piggyback cargo means to load one unit on top of another. Obviously, this type of transport...
NMT Newsclip February 2018 - Big Dumpers back to Europe
21 Feb, 2018 - Lifetime of a modern RoRo vessel is about 25 – 30 years, meaning it may during its life cycle sail across the globe more than plus hundred...
NMT Newsclip January 2018 - Expect the Unexpected in Terms of Cargo Flows
23 Jan, 2018 - Last years’ experience has taught us to expect the unexpected in terms of cargo flows and that the unexpected may become a periodic or even...
NMT Newsclip December | 2018 wishes
20 Dec, 2017 - On behalf of our 350 worldwide colleagues, working 24/7, always mindful of making a difference to our loyal customers, we wish to extend our...
NMT Newsclip November | From Europe to Taiwan with Return Ticket
23 Nov, 2017 - Understandably it is very satisfactory for the NMT Group to work cargo projects from the cradle to final destination and safely delivered to...
NMT Newsclip October | New NMT Agent in Morocco
19 Oct, 2017 - NMT is pleased to announce that as from November we have appointed a new Agent and Partner in Morocco. The Moroccan company, Transports Marocains...
NMT Newsclip September | NMT Services in Hong Kong
26 Sep, 2017 - Hong Kong is one of the biggest logistic hubs in North-East Asia and hosts one of the largest container ports in the world. However, because Hong...
NMT Newsclip August | July loading to Port Sudan
16 Aug, 2017 - In July, we at NMT successfully loaded around 150 trucks and other rolling material from Antwerp/Southampton to Port Sudan with Eukor Car Carriers on...
NMT Newsclip July | NMT USA joins the IEDA Group
19 Jul, 2017 - NMT USA Shipping was invited to join the IEDA Group as an Associate Member. This allows NMT access to the IEDA group members as a trusted and...
NMT Newsclip June | BREAKING NEWS ~ NMT Direct Call for Port Sudan
21 Jun, 2017 - NMT is pleased to announce that in July we will offer our customers a direct call to Port Sudan. Please see below for schedule, vessel and cargo...
NMT Newsclip May | NMT Europe & Africa Services
24 May, 2017 - Over the years NMT has developed, expanded and perfected the services from Europe to the Middle East and Far East. From 2008, NMT expanded their...
NMT Newsclip April | Shipping of RoRo cargo from USA to West Africa
19 Apr, 2017 - The NMT Group today consists of 30 companies spread around the globe. Obviously, none are entirely identical, neither in its market approach, cargo-...
NMT Newsclip March | More than Shipping The Complete Logistics Provider
16 Mar, 2017 - The business concept of the NMT Group does not fit under any known business tag. It is true that we act as 'global carrier to shippers' and 'global...
NMT Newsclip Februari | New ports added to our Eastbound services ex Europe
14 Feb, 2017 - NMT is pleased to inform that together with our long-term partner, Eukor Car Carriers, we have now started to offer RoRo services from Europe to...
NMT Newsclip January | Best wishes for a dynamic logistical 2017!
17 Jan, 2017 - No doubt, last year was challenging for many players in most freight segments either shifting cargo by land, air or sea. So also in the RoRo shipping...
NMT Newsclip December | NMT RoRo Service from the Southern Gateway ex Europe
12 Dec, 2016 - NMT RoRo Service from the Southern Gateway ex Europe NMT is bringing optional transport solutions closer to its customers. As from 3rd January 2017...
NMT Newsclip November | New NMT/ Eukor Service from Korea and China to Namibia
16 Nov, 2016 - NMT and Eukor recently launched a new service whereby NMT may offer it's customers a direct monthly RoRo service from Korea, Japan and China to...
NMT Newsclip October | USA East Coast to Africa Service
20 Oct, 2016 - USA East Coast to Africa Service The NMT offices in New Jersey and St. Petersburg have both unsurpassed experience in this trade offering flexible...
NMT Newsclip September | NMT Service ex Australia to New Zealand
14 Sep, 2016 - NMT Service ex Australia to New ZealandThe NMT offices in Australia and New Zealand are arranging all shipments from Australia to New Zealand, a well...
NMT Newsclip August | NMT’s WCSA service will now also call ECSA (East Coast South America)
16 Aug, 2016 - NMT’s WCSA service will now also call ECSA (East Coast South America)We are pleased to announce that as from August we will change rotation of...
NMT Newsclip July | NMT’s Short-Sea Department
14 Jul, 2016 - NMT’s Short-Sea Department Following a general increase of transshipment activities and feedering of cargo we started our own short-sea...
NMT Newsclip June | NMT’s Europe to Far East Trade
15 Jun, 2016 - NMT Singapore was the second office opened by the NMT Group. The objective of establishing NMT Singapore was to create a transshipment center...
NMT Newsclip 03 | NMT’s Africa - Oceania (AFOC) trade
12 May, 2016 - Some 7 years ago we started a monthly service named AFOC. This service covers the ports and areas such as Tema, Walvisbay, Durban and Australia....
NMT Newsclip 02 | Focus on the NMT Middle East Service ex Hamburg
19 Apr, 2016 - Our Middle East service ex Hamburg was already inaugurated 5 years ago. We offer a direct monthly service to Aqaba and Jeddah from Hamburg. Cargo...
NMT Newsclip 01 | New Loading Ports Mediterranean added to NMT Middle East Service
16 Mar, 2016 - The New NMT Middle East ServiceAfter succesful trials Eukor and NMT have now decided to add both Marseille, France, Livorno, Italy as regular ports...
NMT NewsClip October 2020
30 Nov, 1999 - The NMT Australia team live in the rugged “Land Down Under” inhabited by deadly animals, bush fires one day then floods the next. As an...